

NIB Welcomes New Director

NIB Welcomes New Director

9/7/2016 10:51:19 AM

Ms. Renae McKay, Chairman of the National Insurance Board, is pleased to announce the appointment of  Ms. Patricia Hermanns to the post of Director of the  National Insurance Board (NIB) with effect from September 1, 2016.  As Director, Ms. Hermanns is the CEO of NIB and heads the Executive Management team responsible for the day-to-day operations of the social security organisation.

Ms. Hermanns is a former banking and insurance executive with more than 30 years’ experience in the financial services sector.  She is credited with managing corporate transitions for greater efficiency and effectiveness, and successfully launching new life and health insurance as well as investment products and services.


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2012 Annual Report
2012 Annual Report
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Feedback metrics and more traditional deata helped the National Insurance board of The Bahamas commit to customer service.
NIB Computer World Honors
6/16/2011 6:13:00 AM
In connection with its National Prescription Drug Programme (NPDP), the National Insurance Board has had another star added to its crown in a year that has already recorded a number of outstanding successes for the Board. NIB has been named a Laureate in the 2011 Computerworld Honors Programme and is being considered for a second even more celebrated honour. The achievements of NIB and other 2011 Laureates will be recognized publicly on Monday, June 20 at a black tie awards ceremony and gala celebration at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, DC. Raymond Wells, Deputy Director, Information Technology will represent NIB at the 2011 event.