
All persons engaging in gainful employment in The Bahamas - whether employed on a temporary, probationary, part-time or permanent basis - are required to register with The National Insurance Board. Registration should be undertaken before, or as soon as possible after commencing work.

The National Insurance number is a unique eight (8) digit number that is distinctive, personal and specifically identifies the individual (the year and quarter of the registrant’s birth; and his/her sex). Once a number is assigned, the registrant does not have to register again - even if changing jobs, moving to a new island, or changing names.

For more information on Individual registration and the National Insurance Smart Card, click here:

Additionally, businesses (employers) and self- employed persons are required to register with NIB. The employer/ self-employed are assigned a unique nine (9) digit number for the payment and recording of contribution payments.

For more information on Business registration, click here: