
Major achievements occurring during this period include:

• The completion of the compensation review and manpower needs assessment exercise by the Hay Group. As a result of the recommendations, the Board and its two Unions began negotiations for staff salary adjustments and manpower initiatives that are expected to come on stream in the near future. Staffing issues, management training, management accountability, clear performance standards and employee empowerment, are just some of the keys areas that the reports recommends.

• The appointment of the Social Security Commission to determine and recommend the way forward for social security and a number of other issues. The Commission was charged with addressing issues contained in the 7th Actuarial Review, and other associated issues.

• The purchase by the National Insurance Board of the JL Building at Blake Road, New Providence.

• The official opening of the Miriam Green Community Health Centre in Johnson Bay, South Andros.

• Groung-breaking for new community clinic at Inagua.


The Honourable D. Shane Gibson, remained as Minister; Mr. Philip Davis, M.P., continued as Chairman;. Mr. Lennox McCartney served as Director; Mr. Van Delaney, Sr. Deputy Director retired; Mr. Jayson Moxey was promoted to the post of Sr. Deputy Director; and Mr. Lloyd Cunningham joined executive management as Assistant Director.