This period was one of the most active and exciting in the life of the “young” organization. It saw amendments to both the Contributions and Benefits Regulations; further recruitment of more highly trained, skilled professionals; significant growth in the Reserve Fund; further expansion of service delivery nationally, and the creation of a new NIB Branch. Specifically, this triennium saw:
ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE The Honourable Hubert Ingraham, M.P., was replaced as Minister responsible for National Insurance by the Honourable Darrell Rolle, M.P., in October, 1984. Mr. George Mackey, M.P., continued to serve as Chairman and Mr. A. Srinivasan succeeded Mr. Balasubramanian as Acting Director in December, 1985. During this triennium, contributions collected amounted to over $131.6 million; over $63.1 million was paid out as benefits/assistance and the Reserve Fund stood at over $306.7 million.