All persons engaging in gainful employment in The Bahamas - whether employed on a temporary, probationary, part-time, or permanent basis - are required to register with The National Insurance Board. Registration should be undertaken before, or as soon as possible after commencing work.
Upon registration each individual is assigned a National Insurance number. The National Insurance number is a unique eight (8) digit number that is distinctive, personal, and specifically identifies the individual (the year and quarter of the registrant’s birth; and his/her sex).
Once a number is assigned, the registrant does not have to register again - even if changing jobs, moving to a new island, or changing names.
For the registration process, a completed application (R4 form) along with specified accompanying documents are required.
Note: An apostille is required for all birth certificates outside of The Bahamas
Note: An apostille is required for all birth certificates and marriage certificates outside of The Bahamas.
Documents may be submitted:
- By email to
- By renewing expired card online or
- In-person by visiting the registration department at any NIB local office
At the time of registration, each eligible applicant is issued an NIB Card. The NIB Card is a government issued identification that features the cardholder’s National Insurance account number, photograph, and signature, if over the age of 16. The Card is required for all persons whenever transacting business with NIB.
Renewal is not required for children 0-15 years old.
Renewal is required for:
Replacement is required for:
Lost or Stolen Cards: In order to replace a lost, or stolen card, an official police report along with the Form R4, passport or voter’s card is required. There is a fee of $10.00 to replace all lost or stolen cards. The $10.00 fee is waived for the first lost or stolen cards for seniors.