

PMU and NIB Sign 5 Year Industrial Agreement Favorable for 155 Managers

PMU and NIB Sign 5 Year Industrial Agreement Favorable for 155 Managers

8/29/2022 12:57:55 PM
 (L-R) Claude Hanna, NIB Labor Consultant, Stephen Fountain, PMU Lead Negotiator, Trevor Brice, PMU 2 nd Vice President, Philippa Moss, PMU 1 st Vice President, Dwight Grant, PMU Trustee, Ruth Nottage, PMU Treasurer, Nekera Braynen, PMU Trustee, Dana Knowles, PMU Secretary General, Philip McKenzie, NIB Chairman, Cassandra Lewis, PMU President, Myles LaRoda, Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister, Sonia Gill, NIB Director, Theofanis Cochinamogulos, NIB Deputy Chairman, Daniel Thompson, NIB Board Member, Sherelle Saunders, NIB Deputy Director Talent Management and Capacity Development Department, Heather Maynard, NIB Legal Officer.
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