

NIB staff visited 13 Senior Homes in New Providence

NIB staff visited 13 Senior Homes in New Providence

10/25/2019 3:22:19 AM
As a part of the National Insurance Board’s 45th anniversary celebrations, NIB staff visited 13 Senior Homes in New Providence, Grand Bahama and Andros. Staff members volunteered their time and their hearts to fellowship with the residents; serving hot meals, talking and singing. Many of the Homes’ residents are valued pensioners who would have been unable to attend Customer Appreciation Day usually held earlier in the month of October. NIB’s visit to the Senior Homes is just one way to make all pensioners feel included and appreciated.

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Extended hours of operation this weekend at NIBs Jumbey Village Local Office
The National Insurance Board remains committed to continuous improvement of service delivery, and to meeting – indeed, exceeding – customers' expectations. In this regard, the public is advised that on Friday, November 6 and Saturday, November 7, NIB will extend its hours of operations at its Jumbey Village Local Office, located in the Clifford Darling Complex on Blue Hill Road. Persons who recently claimed and qualified for Unemployment Benefit, including those recently laid off from Bahamar, are encouraged to take advantage of these extended hours to collect their Unemployment Benefit payments. The extended hours of operation are 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. this evening, and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. tomorrow.
The Government of The Bahamas has announced that there will be an increase in the Minimum Wage effective August 15, 2015. In this regard, the National Insurance Board advises employers that for all workers impacted by the change in the minimum wage, there will be a corresponding increase in contribution payments for the month of August and thereafter.