

Bimini Complex Contract Signing

Bimini Complex Contract Signing

7/16/2019 11:15:24 AM

Pictured for the contract signing are: seated(L-R): Nicola Virgill-Rolle, NIB Director; Geoffrey Stuart, NIB Deputy Chairman; Troy Smith, NIB Chairman; Christopher Harris, President, Pyramid Construction Ltd. 
Standing(L-R): Javonne Chisholm, Project Quantity Surveyor; Phaedra Mackey-Knowles, NIB Deputy Director Corporate Risk, Strategy Management and Investments; Charles Farquharson, Consultant, NIB Services; Heather Maynard, NIB Legal Officer; Sonia Gill, NIB Financial Controller; Sean Farrington, Project Consultant.

The National Insurance Board is pleased to advise that the project to construct a new government office complex in Alice Town, Bimini,is being restarted with the signing of the final contract on June 11, 2019 with Pyramid Construction. Director Virgill-Rolle and her Executive team worked closely with the Board to ensure that there will be close monitoring and oversight of this project to completion.The project is expected to be completed within a six-month timeframe.Chairman Troy Smith, expressed his good pleasure in the restart of the project and looks forward to the completion of the much needed government complex in Bimini. The new complex, which will house the Island Administrator’s Office, the Post Office, the Department of Immigration, the Customs Department, Magistrates Court and the NIB Local Office,is expected to open in early 2020.

READ FULL PRESS RELEASE...Press Release - Bimini Complex Contract signing.pdf

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