

NIB Recognized in 50th Independence Celebrations

NIB Recognized in 50th Independence Celebrations

5/9/2023 11:22:44 PM
The national tree, the Lignum Vitae, is planted at the National Insurance Board’s (NIB) Headquarters on Baillou Hill Road as one of the many initiatives in the Countdown to 50 calendar of events showcasing Bahamian culture, arts, music, cuisine, and history.

Participating in the planting ceremony, which took place on Friday April 28, 2023 to coincide with International Arbour Day, was Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister The Honourable Myles LaRoda, Chairman of NIB Philip McKenzie and NIB’s Director Sonia Gill.

The tree planting ceremony, organized by the National Independence Secretariat Committee, symbolizes NIB’s place as key pillar in the growth and enrichment of the nation’s citizens and NIB’s historical significance in the country. In 2024, NIB will celebrate its 50th year in Social Security Administration and its role of providing much needed Benefits and Assistances to insured Bahamians in time of need.

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