

NIB Minister Introduces Board Members and Executive Management

NIB Minister Introduces Board Members and Executive Management

12/8/2021 10:04:29 AM

Bahamas Information Services December 2, 2021, NIB Minister Introduces Board Members and Executive Management, Retrieved December 3, 2021, from:

NIB welcomes new Board Members:

Mr. Philip McKenzie                                Chairman

Mr. Theofanis Cochinamogulos                Deputy Chairman

Mrs. Michelle Pindling-Sands                   Member

Ms. Leana Ingraham                              Member

Mrs. Rozalia E. Bowe                              Member

Ms. Amancha Williams                            Member

Ms. Theressa Thompson                         Member

Mr. Timothy Ingraham                            Member

Mr. Daniel Thompson                              Member

Ms. Lisa Turnquest                                 Member

Mr. Waldon Russell                                 Member

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2012 Annual Report
2012 Annual Report
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NIB Computer World Honors
6/16/2011 6:13:00 AM
In connection with its National Prescription Drug Programme (NPDP), the National Insurance Board has had another star added to its crown in a year that has already recorded a number of outstanding successes for the Board. NIB has been named a Laureate in the 2011 Computerworld Honors Programme and is being considered for a second even more celebrated honour. The achievements of NIB and other 2011 Laureates will be recognized publicly on Monday, June 20 at a black tie awards ceremony and gala celebration at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, DC. Raymond Wells, Deputy Director, Information Technology will represent NIB at the 2011 event.