

Freeport Local Office Customer Appreciation Day Kicks Off NIB’s Road to 50th Anniversary Events

Freeport Local Office Customer Appreciation Day Kicks Off NIB’s Road to 50th Anniversary Events

10/18/2023 10:55:54 PM
October 2, 2023 - The National Insurance Board (NIB) kicks off its 49th Anniversary celebrations with a Customer Appreciation day held at the sub-office in Freeport, Grand Bahama. The traditional cake cutting ceremony this year held special significance as 49-year-old staff member Ms. Robertha Fischbacher presented the first piece of cake to 50-year-old customer Ms. Nerissa Russell; symbolizing NIB’s strategic focus to enhance service delivery moving into its Golden Jubilee.

Highlighted throughout the day were two innovative solutions available to improve customer service – the Employer Self Service portal designed to make paying contributions and submitting contribution payments easier for Employers and the Registrant Self Service portal, which gives workers online access to check their contribution status.

Public Relations officer for the NIB, Tonique Williams, said that NIB has so much to showcase over the next 12 months with a series of events, initiatives and innovations to touch all stakeholders. For more information, visit the NIB website at or NIB’s Instagram and Facebook pages.
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