On Thursday January 18th, 2024 NIB offices throughout the Bahamas hosted an inaugural Pensioners' Day. The initiative hosted from 10:00am-2:00pm welcomed some 900 pensioners for sharing key insights and tips. The main takeaways were to remind pensioners of the importance of verifying twice a year to remain eligible for the continuation of their pension benefit or assistance and to encourage pensioners to transition from in-person pension payment to payment by wire transfers for more efficient customer service.
At NIB's headquarters on Baillou Hill Road, the day was a fun-filled event for all as pensioners were treated to a hearty lunch, music, prizes and surprises. Each pensioner was presented with a special 50th Anniversary gift bag and t-shirt inscribed with, "The Promise Works!", - a reminder of the promise NIB made in 1974 to provide income replacement to eligible persons in time of need.