

Request For Expression of Interest - Refurbishment of Existing Cafeteria & Adjoining Exteria Spaces

Request For Expression of Interest - Refurbishment of Existing Cafeteria & Adjoining Exteria Spaces

5/24/2023 1:48:24 PM

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NIB Administered Unemployment Programmes
The National Insurance Board (NIB) wishes to advise on the progress of the National Insurance Unemployment Benefit (UEB) programme and the two Government-Funded Assistrance programmes which NIB has administered since theonset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Notice: Office closures and benefit cheque collection in New Providence and Grand Bahama
The public is advised that the NIB Headquarters in New Providence and Freeport office locations have been closed to carry out COVID-19 sanitization. The limited staff operations at these locations will resume as soon as possible.
Online & Electronic Services
Online & Electronic Services
8/6/2020 10:54:56 AM
The public is reminded that NIB has suspended all face to face transactions with the exception of cheque collection.
Millions Paid in Assistance as Government Rolls-out GovUEBex Programme
Millions in unemployment assistance payments continue to flow as the Government and its partners streamline the implementation processes of the Government Unemployment Extension programme (GovUEBex). Since the National Insurance Board (NIB) launched its new online portal to administer the Programme, approximately $8.7 million in assistance has been disbursed to about 18,000 Bahamian workers.
First Payment Cycle for the GovUEBex programme
The first payment cycle for the GovUEBex programme will be processed on Thursday, July 23, 2020 for the 14,002 eligible persons who have registered on the new portal. Funds will be available on recipients’ bank accounts within 1-3 days.
The National Insurance Board, after consultation with the Ministry of Finance, is pleased to advise that the Government Unemployment Extension Programme will be extended to persons whose last day at work was Friday 13 March, 2020.