

50TH Anniversary Fun, Run / Walk Kicks Off NIB’s Holistically Balanced Series of Events

50TH Anniversary Fun, Run / Walk Kicks Off NIB’s Holistically Balanced Series of Events

1/31/2024 8:50:03 AM

NIB's 50th Anniversary series of Holistically Balanced - Spiritually, Mentally, Physically and Financially events kicked off with a 3.5 mile Fun, Run / Walk. Walkers and runners of all ages converged at NIB's Headquarters, on Saturday January 27, 2024 for friendly competition, health talks, financial literacy education, demonstrations and more.

The energetic Caribbean Sweat Fitness instructor Comby jump-started the morning activities with a pre-race warmup. Olympic Champion and award-winning author Pauline Davis-Thompson called the start of the race. Awards were presented to male and female participants in six categories. Overall, the first competitor to cross the finish line was Mr. Anthony Saunders in the 31-40 male runner category. The Royal Bahamas Police Force Cadets won the award for entering the most participants.

While the race focused on physical components of overall health, attendees were able to visit the various vendor booths where other elements of overall well-being were addressed. Some vendors included: Bahamas Health, Ports International, Eat Emotionally, Well, Quality Care Pharmacy, Church of God of Prophecy, Anji's Delightful Teas, Living with Joy, J. Higgins Rehabilitative Care, Walk-in Clinic, Focus Fitness Bahamas and Aquapure Water, to name a few.

Other Holistically Balanced events scheduled for 2024 include a Blood Drive on February 22 and a Health and Wellness Fair scheduled for October 7. For a complete schedule of upcoming 50th Anniversary events visit or any of our social media pages.

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