

NIB Compliance Press Release
3/11/2009 12:00:00 AM
As was reported in the local media recently, the National Insurance Board (NIB) is increasing its review of the contribution accounts of delinquent employers and self-employed persons in order to ensure compliance with the National Insurance Act (the Act).
The National Insurance Board
3/2/2009 12:00:00 AM
As of March 2, 2009, all claims submitted for short-term benefits by employed persons (i.e., persons who have bosses) must be accompanied by an Employers Certification form (Med 4). The new Med 4 form is a single- sheet addition to the Med 1, Med 1A and Med 2 forms. It requires the employer to certify that an employee is/was/will be off from work for the period stated.
Press Response on clear policy
2/2/2009 12:00:00 AM
The National Insurance Board’s (NIB) primary objective, as mandated in the National Insurance Act, continues to be providing income-replacement for workers when they are unable to work. To deliver on this income-replacement promise to workers of The Bahamas, NIB collects contributions from self-employed persons and from employers on behalf of employees.