

The National Insurance Board

3/2/2009 12:00:00 AM

The National Insurance Board
Press Release

As of March 2, 2009, all claims submitted for short-term benefits by employed persons (i.e., persons who have bosses) must be accompanied by an Employers Certification form (Med 4). The new Med 4 form is a single- sheet addition to the Med 1, Med 1A and Med 2 forms. It requires the employer to certify that an employee is/was/will be off from work for the period stated.

In the past, only attending physicians and claimants were required to provide information on claims for Sickness, Maternity and Injury Benefits. Unfortunately, this permitted persons to receive income-replacement when they were, in fact, not off from work and were not losing any income.

To address this and to improve the claims management process, employers are now required to confirm the period that an employee is off from work by means of the new Med 4 form. Claims for Sickness, Maternity and Injury Benefits will not be processed without it.

The processing time for short-term benefits is currently pegged at three working days; the added requirement of the Med 4 is not intended to slow the process and is intended to ensure that claims are only approved for persons that qualify.

The new fom will be among those that each employer will be required to have in his workplace. Currently, all places of business are required to keep on-hand C10 (monthly contribution statement) forms; B60 (Interim Report of Accident) forms; and B44 (Employer’s Report on Accident at Work) forms.
The new Med 4 form will be placed on the Board’s website for easy access.
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