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Public Notice - Temporary Office Closure - San Salvador Local Office
1/29/2025 4:10:57 PM
The National Insurance Board wishes to advise the public that the San Salvador Local Office will CLO...
Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce meeting on Wednesday, January 29, 2025
1/27/2025 12:12:33 PM
NIB is presenting at the Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce meeting on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. Ou...
Public Notice - Temporary Office Closure - Fox Hill Sub Office - 23rd-January-2025
1/23/2025 3:31:37 PM
Public Notice - Temporary Office Closure Fox Hill Sub Office
NIB and PMU Sign 2025- 2029 Industrial Agreement, Favorable for 174 Managers, In Record Time
1/17/2025 12:26:19 AM
The National Insurance Board (NIB) is pleased to announce the official signing of the 2025- 2029 Ind...
NIB Responds to Potential National Sick-Out, Reaffirms Commitment to Service and Negotiations
1/12/2025 9:10:09 PM
The National Insurance Board (NIB) has been informed of a potential national sick-out involving memb...
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Gregory Collie Gets NIB Directors Award
2/5/2010 9:40:17 AM
Last year, staff of the National Insurance Board (NIB) embraced the slogan “Excellent Customer Care Starts With ME!” At NIB’s 2010 Leaders Conference, held on Paradise Island in January, Director Algernon Cargill told leaders that the focus of this excellent care must not be limited to the external customer, but should be directed to the internal customers as well. To demonstrate his administration’s commitment to promoting the wellbeing of the internal customer – NIB staff – he announced a number of initiatives, including the establishment of a “Director’s Award” which would annually honor those individuals whose outstanding achievements, dedication, leadership, customer service and expertise would have made a significant impact on the organization and its mission over the previous year.
Upon announcing the initiative, Director Cargill presented the first ever Director’s Award to Gregory Collie, Senior Manager responsible for the Special Compliance Unit, hailing him as a consummate team player, whose stewardship and commitment to excellence advanced the objectives of NIB in 2009.
Collie led the reorganization and consolidation of the Compliance and Special Compliance Units into the Inspectorate unit, which was NIB’s first initiative to centralize those key processes. This effort produced excellent results, inclusive of record contributions for 2009 of some $160.3 million. He also led the initiative to increase employer compliance and in cases where there was unwillingness to settle NIB outstanding contributions, recommendation of the prosecution of delinquent employers.
Greg Collie has been employed with NIB since September 22, 1986, when he joined the ranks of Inspector. On January 1, 1990, he was promoted to Assistant Manager of the Inspectorate; on April 8, 1995, he was promoted to Manager of Compliance; on December 1, 2004, he was promoted to Senior Manager assigned to the Wulff Road Local Office; from January 1, 1999 to January 1, 2000, he managed the Grand Bahama Offices as Regional Manager.
Director Cargill thanked Collie for his work ethic, passion, dedication and persistence. He also encouraged other NIB leaders to continue to strive for excellence.
Photo Caption: Greg Collie, Senior Manager in charge of the National Insurance Board’s Special Compliance Unit, was awarded the first ever Director’s Award at the start of the 2010 Leaders Conference in January. He is pictured (center) flanked by Algernon Cargill, Director and Richenda King, Vice-President for Human Resources and Training.
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NIB Press Release On Report of 8th Actuarial Review of the National Insurance Fund
9/4/2009 12:00:00 AM
On September 2, 2009, Prime Minister the Right Honourable Hubert Ingraham, tabled in the House of Assembly the report of the 8th Actuarial Review of the National Insurance Fund, which was completed and formally presented to Government in 2008. The Report, which covers a review period from January 2002 to December 2006, gives a comprehensive assessment of the current and future finances of the National Insurance Fund, and reviews the state of the country’s primary social security system from a social standpoint, assessing the adequacy and relevance of the level of benefits now offered. The Review, like all others prior to it, makes recommendations designed to strengthen both the social and financial aspects of the Fund to ensure that National Insurance is able to meet its obligations well into the future. It takes a historical look at past trends and experiences as well as makes financial forecasts for the future. Demographic and financial projections up to 2066 have been presented.
Press Release By the National Insurance Board
7/23/2009 12:00:00 AM
A “business person in Fox Hill” suggested in a letter to the Editor (What’s Going on at NIB? – Tribune 23/09), that with the recent move of Inspectors from the National Insurance Board’s Fox Hill Local Office to its Jumbey Village Local Office in the Clifford Darling Complex, the Board’s operations in Fox Hill will close down. According to Greg Collie, Senior Manager for Compliance with responsibility for the Inspectorate, nothing could be further from the truth. He said the Fox Hill Local Office is not closing down.
Response to Tribune article
4/9/2009 12:00:00 AM
Derek Osborne, Consultant Actuary at the National Insurance Board is advising the public that though the 8th Actuarial Review of the National Insurance Fund, which includes long-term projections of the Fund and recommendations aimed at enhancing the Fund’s long-term sustainability as well as its ongoing relevance, has been completed, it has not yet been tabled in Parliament as is required by law.
NIB Can’t “Write Off” Employees’ Contributions
3/13/2009 12:00:00 AM
Algernon Cargill, Director of the National Insurance Board (NIB) is responding to a Tribune article (March 12, 2009) that suggested that members of the business community are in a state of “enormous consternation” over the Board’s current and ongoing process of updating its contribution records. Though NIB has addressed this issue in the recent past, the NIB Director wishes to say once again that the Board is obligated by the National Insurance Act to ensure that all employers have paid the amount of contributions due for each employee for each month, and that contributions submitted are accurately posted or deposited to the accounts of the appropriate employees.
NIB Compliance Press Release
3/11/2009 12:00:00 AM
As was reported in the local media recently, the National Insurance Board (NIB) is increasing its review of the contribution accounts of delinquent employers and self-employed persons in order to ensure compliance with the National Insurance Act (the Act).
The National Insurance Board
3/2/2009 12:00:00 AM
As of March 2, 2009, all claims submitted for short-term benefits by employed persons (i.e., persons who have bosses) must be accompanied by an Employers Certification form (Med 4). The new Med 4 form is a single- sheet addition to the Med 1, Med 1A and Med 2 forms. It requires the employer to certify that an employee is/was/will be off from work for the period stated.
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